Apr 19, 2014

Recap for Week 16 of 2014 (Omnibus XVI 2014)

- Loyalty is a virtue.  Unless it involves insurance companies.

- Wolf loves belly rubs.

- Cherry blossom seeds were brought to the ISS for eight months.  When they returned to earth and were planted, they blossomed six years early.  Scientists theorize cosmic rays may have been the cause.  Comic book geeks hope cosmic rays were the cause.

- Disney geeks have a theory that Frozen, Tangled and The Little Mermaid are all in the same world.  They offer more evidence than seeing them walk around Disney World.

- Imagine 14 keys spread around the world that would reset the internet.  Now stop imagining it.  Good job, you imagined them into existence.

- Rachel Feltmen wore 4 fitness trackers to test their utility.  In her article for Quartz, it turns out they're not very useful.

- Just breathe deep.  All the time!

- That's all for this week.  Play nice.

Apr 17, 2014

The Giver [Film Trailer]

Not hating on this film, I'm glad it's giving some attention to this story (as if every 12 year old reading it wasn't attention enough) and it looks like it'll do a good job adapting the story, but I'd rather read the book again.

Joe [Film Trailer]

It took me half the trailer to take Nic Cage seriously in this (thanks, Ghost Rider and every other Nic Cage movie from the last decade), but after I did, I got interested. What did you do, Joe?

Apr 15, 2014

Paulo Coelho on Experience

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
-- Paulo Coelho (1947 - ).  Author.  Alchemist.